Day 8 Meal Plan + Review

Breakfast: Paleo Pizza Crust This was actually really good! I was hesitant at first when I started reading about it but man oh man, this actually tasted delicious. Many, many interesting flavors going on here that I would definitely recommend.

Lunch: Chipotle Chicken Lettuce Wrap Although a step down from the Paleo Pizza, this was a decent lunch,  but the only problem I have with it was that I wasn’t all that satisfied once I finished it, I didn’t feel…fufilled.

Dinner: Butternut Squash Soup Ugh, worst thing I’ve had so far from the website I’ve been linking, maybe I’m just not a butternut squash fan? Wasn’t impressed.

Day 7 Meal Plan + Review

And here we go again, another day down.

As usual we have another list of meals from: Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Breakfast: Shrimp & Grits Now this was an interesting breakfast for sure, after I finished making it, I looked at it and I wasn’t so sure I was going to like it but you know, once I bit into that shrimp, and that bit of flavor hit my taste-buds I have to admit, it was pretty darn good! Pleasantly surprised.

Lunch: Paleo Turkey Pesto Meatballs These were a little disappointing if I’m going to be frank, it just tasted sort of bland, there wasn’t quite the flavorful that I was hoping for, but it could’ve easily just been my ingredients possibly. I wasn’t thrilled overall with this.

Dinner: Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry I know I’ve already had this before, but for some reason, I just was craving it, so I whipped it up and wolfed it down. Just as good as it was the last time. 😉

Day 5 , Monday Meal Plan + Review

Another day, another pound lost!

Breakfast: Savory Breakfast Muffins They aren’t actually carb-laden muffins of course, they’re just made out of eggs. Very, very tasty, loved them. A filling, solid meal.

Lunch: Hearty Paleo Jambalaya Oh my. This was freakin’ awesome! I highly recommend this one, so good, loved all the flavors going on here, again, highly recommended.

Snack: Paleo Antioxidant Berry Shake I’ve posted this one before, and you know I also recommend this one as well.

Dinner: Stove-top “Cheesy” Paleo Chicken Casserole Another one that I really liked. This day absloutely killed as far as the food.

10/10, I recommend this line up of dishes for those wanting to start up Paleo, you’re in for a treat 😉

Sunday Meal Plan + Review and Weight Loss Report (Day 4)

Although I admit, there have been a couple times where I wanted to pick up some carb-laden fries and a cheeseburger or maybe something from Taco Bell but I resisted the urge and I’ve lost four pounds so far.

Taken again from 14-Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan here was my meal plan for the day, and the review:

Breakfast: Broccoli Egg Bake, this was a satisfying breakfast, not my favorite but still good! Loved the texture of the broccoli, zucchini and egg mixed together. Kind of yummy but, again, not my favorite of what I’ve had so far.

Lunch: Shrimp Fried “Rice” This actually tasted pretty good! I was afraid I would be put off by the shrimp but I actually thought that it tasted quite and went well with all the other flavors going on. Quite liked this one!

Dinner: Dill & Lemon Baked Salmon in Parchment and Balsamic Green Bean Salad, this I quite liked as well though I do really like Salmon and green beans ;).

Saturday Plan + Review

Breakfast: Pumpkin Cakes (wow, these were kind of amazing! As usual, used the recipe from the previous site I’ve been linking to and it should follow Paleo just fine)

Lunch: Taco Salad, without the shell of course, but again, so good as long as you follow the recipe, very Paleo, very great tasting and filling.

Dinner: Stuffed yellow squash, this I wasn’t the hugest fan of, but it wasn’t awful by any means, just in comparison to the first two, it wasn’t as good in my opinion.

Lost two and a half pounds so far! Slow, but surely, finding my way.


Forgot to give my review of everything I ate yesterday!

The sweet potato hash was decent, it wasn’t anything to write home about, I wouldn’t mind eating it again but it wasn’t something that I would go out of my way to fix again.

The meatball sandwich again, decent nothing to write home about, the same as above.

loooooved the antioxidant berry shake! It was kind of to die for, but I love most things that are a bit fruity.

I wasn’t the hugest fan of the “Pasta” Casserole, maybe I put too much kale in it or I’m just not as big of a fan of sausage that I think I am? Wasn’t a huge fan.

Not the greatest second day, but hopefully today will be better! I’ll post my meal plan later on 😉 Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Friday meal plan (Day 2)

Taken from: Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Breakfast: Sweet Potato Hash (Cut out the regular white potatoes and go with this sweet potato hash served up with eggs for a nicely balanced Paleo meal. Sweet potatoes provide beta-Carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body, fueling you through your morning. They’re also lower on the glycemic index so you can stay focused and alert and get stuff done)

Lunch: Meatball sandwich (You may get a bit messy with this meatball sandwich which gets rid of the bread and uses zucchini instead. Be sure to have a supply of napkins on hand. This meaty midday reprieve will make you feel like you’re not on a diet at all, and without the grain and gluten from a regular sandwich, you’ll be able to get stuff done after lunch.)

Snack: Antioxidant Berry Shake (This shake will load you up with antioxidants which will make you feel good by helping to protect you from free radicals. Health experts agree that antioxidants play an important role in helping to support the immune system and fight off major diseases like cancer and heart disease. No diet would be complete without a focus on these important nutrients.)

Dinner:  “Pasta” Casserole Sausage and kale get the starring roles here, but there’s also spaghetti squash filling in for any pasta you may have been expecting. You’ll notice that on Paleo you won’t be missing classic dishes like pasta or spaghetti, you just sub in foods that are better for you so you get more vitamins and minerals, with fewer calories and carbs. The end result is a more satisfying meal and better health.

Day 1 Complete!

I’m so proud of myself, I completed the first day of the Paleo diet and I’m not even craving what I used to eat that much? Granted it’s only a single day down, but hey, it’s a start!

The bacon and two eggs was what you would expect, always a nice thing to have for breakfast, quite traditional, but nice and familiar.

For lunch I had the tuna wrapped in avocado lettuce, and truthfully, I wasn’t a huge fan. Like I said in my previous post, I love tuna but the texture of this wasn’t to my liking. I’m not sure what it was, but I just wasn’t a huge fan of it, it was decent but not the best.

Dinner however made up for my lackluster lunch, let me tell you, this beef and broccoli stir fry was scrumptious. I recommend it to anyone who’s on Paleo, great dinner.

Two good/great meals, one not-so great, but overall, eating-wise, not a bad day!

Thursday meal plan (Day 1)

Breakfast: Two eggs and bacon (I figure this is sensible and easy enough, who doesn’t like eggs and bacon right?)

Lunch: Tuna Avocado Lettuce Wraps (I know this sounds strange, but I love Tuna, and I know that carbs aren’t a good idea with this particular way of life, and I saw this here: 14-Day Paleo Diet Meal Plan so I figured it might be worth trying)

Dinner: Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry  (again found it at the site listed above, and I’ve always loved this at Chinese places, though I plan on using eating it without all the processed…stuff…in it)

Let’s hope I can keep to this! I can’t wait for the results!