Something has to change

I’ve never been fatter in my life.

I know that’s a strong statement, and one that most people, when they see it, will tell you, “oh don’t be so down on yourself! It’s easy to lose weight, it’s just one step at a time!”

And I appreciate the sentiment, but what a load of crap. I’m so tired of people saying all this happy-happy, cheery stuff when the reality is, I feel horrible about myself, and how I’ve gotten here.

All through school and life, I’ve been a pretty lean, thin, person but then I started working and had less time to exercise and started eating out more often and gradually, I began to gain more and more weight and now I’m at about two hundred pounds and on my frame (I’m 5’11), I look terrible. I look unhealthy and overweight, like a person who’s just let himself go, but today is the day. 

So I began to do some research on various diets and I’ve decided on the paleo diet. It’s a diet I’ve heard about through family members and one that had always piqued my interest, but for whatever reason, chose not to do it.

But like I said, today is the day.